This new moon is occurring on Monday, September 6th in the sign of Virgo and is about to kick us all into work mode.

Get ready to put in some serious work because this new moon in Virgo is hittin' us hard. Happening on Monday (of course, it's on a Monday), September 6th, this moon phase will prompt us to get all of our ducks in a row. It's fitting that this falls during the shift from August to September. While September is still technically summer, it marks a shift in the environment and Starbucks' menu. Leaves start to change, temperatures cool and pumpkin spice is back starting September first. I don't make the rules.
Heading into a new month, a new week, and a new moon phase, spend some time getting your life together. Clean the house, do your laundry, take care of yourself and tackle your workload. This is a great time to keep any momentum going and stay motivated. Take time to finalize any plans before taking the next step in a project or adventure and then move forward with it at full speed.
This isn't a time to set goals, make plans, or recuperate. This is a time to get s**t done!